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發(fā)布日期: 2021/1/19 15:07:32




 Photoctalytic removal of HCHO 
Photocatalytic elimination tests of HCHO were performed in the photocatalytic reactor as schematically displayed in Scheme 2. A 300 WXenon lamp, whose power is adjustable, was vertically placed outside the photoreactor to simulate the solar or visible light source in the absence/presence of cutoff filter (420 nm). The concentration of HCHO and CO2 were analyzed online by a GASERA ONE Multi-Gas Analyzer equipped with a closed-loop sampling and analysis system. The detailed measure procedures were provided in Supporting Information (S3). The photocatalytic removal efficiency of HCHO was evaluated by monitoring the variance of HCHO concentration and the increased CO2  concentration (△CO2, which is the difference of CO2 concentration at reaction time t and initial time t0).



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